Friday, October 24, 2008

hello , people . friend. i saw your blog , i've read your msges . i guess you just dont get why i'm acting like this . i know i have my wrongs too , but dont you think sometimes your too much also ? your words are always so insulting and hurtful , but you never realised at all . i've tried and tried to understand and know you are who you are . but , people have their limits too . i dont expect you to like change and anything , i just wanted you to know how i feel . but i guess you didnt understand at all . quarrels and everything broke out between us , i was apologising most of the time . you like to embarrassme so much in front of other people , seriously . i hate that to the core . once or twice is okay . but somehow it happens almost everytime i see you . videos and things are taken , maybe i'm okay with it , BUT YOU ALL GO AROUND SHOWING IT TO EVERYONE THINKING I DONT REALLY GIVE A DAMN ! wtf , when i said i'm not angry , not irritated , do you think i would admit and stuff like this that i am ? have i ever got angry in front of you before ? you could actually do something so hurting and disturbing that i could not hold back my tears . i've thought many times before , worth it going out with all of you ? or am i just lowering my place and throwing my damn face away . think , how people treated me before and after . your always hitting me and stuff , i dont react to it , you do it more . you think its fun ? you scolded me time and again , i tolerated . you go around telling everyone about my negatives , i jusrt smiled and laugh along . i accidentally burnt you , and you would want to just hurt me back , an eye for an eye ? we've been through things together , but i dont think you understand me enough , really . sorry ? not good enough ? do you all mean it or do you just send it and make a joke out of it . then you'll go talking bad about me behind my back . i really hope you dont . the more i hope you wouldnt spill out all my secrets i shared with you . i cherished you alot as a friend . believe it or not .. i know that i'm always pangseh-ing you all for something else , dua-ing your calls . sorry .. eating your share of food , spending your money . not returning your kindness , now .. just giving up . its not easy to admit that your writing about someone when she asks you , thats for me . sisters ? maybe not forever .


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